Horst Sauer
Degustation «Deutsche Weine & Riesling 2023» in Zürich

Erleben Sie bei der Deutschland-Degustation ein unbeschreibliches Weinfeuerwerk.

Um die 40 Weingüter werden persönlich anwesend sein und Ihnen ihre Weine ausschenken.


Datum, Zeit: Mittwoch, 4. September 2024, 16:00 – 20:00 Uhr


Ort: Volkshaus Zürich, Stauffacherstrasse 60, 8004 Zürich


Achtung! Die Degustation findet im Theatersaal im Parterre statt. Zugang via Stauffacherstrasse.


Preis: CHF 50.– (CHF 30.– werden bei einem Weineinkauf ab CHF 100.– angerechnet.)

Bitte bezahlen Sie Ihren Eintritt bar oder mit TWINT an der Tageskasse vor Ort. Keine Bezahlung mit Kreditkarte möglich. 


Hier geht's zur Veranstaltung!


Da soll noch mal jemand sagen, dass Franken "nur" Silvaner kann.

Beim diesjährigen VINUM RIESLING CHAMPION haben wir 3x Gold nach Hause geholt.

Unsere Goldstücken sind:

2023 Escherndorfer Lump Riesling trocken VDP.ERSTE LAGE - 92 Punkte

2023 Escherndorfer Lump Riesling Beerenauslese VDP.ERSTE LAGE - 90 Punkte

2022 Escherndorf am Lumpen 1655 Riesling VDP.GROSSES GEWÄCHS - 91 Punkte


91 Punkte - und das DREI mal! 

Beim diesjährigen Meiningers BEST OF RIESLING haben wir

gleich 3 mal 91 Punkte nach Hause geholt.

2023 Escherndorfer Lump Riesling KABINETT VDP.ERSTE LAGE

2022 Escherndorfer Lump Riesling trocken VDP.ERSTE LAGE 

2023 Escherndorf Riesling trocken VDP.ORTSWEIN


Ausbildungsplatz ab August/September 2024

Wir bewirtschaften 20 ha Weinberge im Steil -und Direktzug, die mit den Rebsorten Silvaner, Riesling, Müller-Thurgau, Bacchus, Weißer Burgunder und Spätburgunder bepflanzt sind. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass die Qualität unserer Weine nur im Weinberg entstehen kann. Das wir damit erfolgreich sind, sehen wir am Markt und an den zahlreichen positiven Bewertungen unserer Weine. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn wir ab September 2024 einen interessierten und engagierten jungen Menschen die abwechslungsreichen Arbeiten des Winzers näherbringen dürften. Wenn Du noch einen Ausbildungsplatz suchst, und Spaß an abwechslungsreichen Arbeiten in der Natur, im Weinkeller und in der Kommissionierung hast, bewirb Dich doch bei uns!

Weingut Horst Sauer
Bocksbeutelstraße 14
97332 Escherndorf
Tel: 09381 4364

So soll es mal aussehen

Hier schon mal ein kleiner Vorgeschmack, wie unser Weingut hoffentlich bald aussehen wird... wir freuen uns! :-)

Arbeiten wo andere Urlaub machen

Arbeiten wo andere Urlaub machen!

Das kannst Du bei uns im Weingut Horst Sauer. Alles ist dynamisch deswegen sind wir immer offen für neue Mitarbeiter die mit uns und unserem Team täglich auf die Suche nach dem perfekten Wein gehen. Du hast eine Ausbildung oder auch Weiterbildung im Bereich Weinbau und Kellerwirtschaft und keine Angst vor steilen Weinbergen.

Dann freuen wir uns Dich kennen zu lernen! Bei uns hast Du einen sicheren Arbeitsplatz, abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben und bist ausschlaggebend bei der Erzeugung hochwertiger Weine dabei. Dafür erhältst Du gutes Geld, die Möglichkeit einer arbeitgeberfinanzierten Altersvorsorge und großzügigen Rabatt auf unsere Weine.

Wir freuen uns auf Deine Initiativbewerbung per Mail: mail@weingut-horst-sauer.de

The world of fine wine – Issue 37 2012

The world of fine wine – Issue 37  2012

Horst Sauer Escherndorfer Lump Riesling GG Trocken Franken Germany 2010
(13%ABV) – 16

AJ: Full gold, with some green glints. Soft, warm, chiffon scents of crème anglaise; a little roasted white meat in the background. There is, though, also some sappy freshness to give the aromatic profile lift. Harmonious and seductive. One the palate, the wine almost spurts into the mouth: very juicy, fresh, sappy, a “Rite of Spring”. The fruit spectrum is not immensely detailed but makes up for that with its winning energy and force. There´s a vinous finish. It´s fully dry but not in any way tart, hard, or austere; the alcohol is beautifully incorporated. 16

AL: A pure and flinty nose, with youthful fruit and ripe citrus aromas. The palate has good grip and offers plenty of young fruit, ripe lemon, and a fairly long finish. Well balanced and enjoyable. 15

SR: Citrus-yellow color. Very clear and aromatic on the nose, with a steely minerality. Quite cool and a little bit yeasty, but this is a classic again – very precise and focused. A racy palate, with steely acidity; no experiments; lovely fruit, lingering piquancy and salinity, and sappy peach flavors (yes, a great wine is allowed to have fruit!). Reductive in style, very forward but with electrifying acidity, bone-dry and mineral – gandenlos. 17

Jancis Robinson
Tasting notes Horst Sauer, Lump Silvaner Grosses Gewächs 2003 Franken 16.5 Drink 2005-10 I suspect it is the vintage rather than the vineyard or estimable producer that robs this wine of an even higher score. Exotic tropical fruit notes on the nose and then a certain gentle delicacy rather than the more usual raciness. This wine reminded me of nothing more than mango yoghurt. With a hint of face cream. Very heavy tartrates in this wine – suggesting it was acidified? 13.5% 6 Horst Sauer, Escherndorfer Lump Silvaner TBA 2006 Franken 18.5 Drink Silvaner is v sensitive to botrytis. It’s a question of the density of the bunch. It has a very firm, thick stem. Difference between noble and grey rot is very important. ‘The precise harvest date is vital because you have only one chance a year’ according to Horst Sauer. Deep golden copper. Pure botrytis example – so clean! Just racy and golden syrup and the freshest sweet Silvaner we have seen. Wonderful stuff. 4 Horst Sauer, Lump GG Silvaner 2007 Franken 18- Drink 2007-11 Half of Sauer’s plantings are Silvaner and he is arguably the single greatest exponent of this variety anywhere today. Sauer Silvaner exports have been increasing. Lump is one of the few grands crus in Franken. They investigated carefully with Silvaner to plant here. Comes from the heart of the Lump where soils are not that deep which encourage minerality. ‘We tolerate botrytis to 15%’, said Horst Sauer. Bright, clear yellow. Complete, well balanced, very dense nose with real tension and creamy texture. Textbook Franken Silvaner – open and seductive and racy. Minerally. Slightly salty edge. HORST SAUER, Franken See Great Silvaner - no oxymoron for details of how well this producer performs with Franken's signature grape. Shame none were shown at J&B's London tasting. Horst Sauer, Escherndorfer Lump Riesling Kabinett trocken 2008 Franken 16.5 Drink 2009-12 Very clean and pure on the nose. Smoky nose and bone dry with real zip and some quite plump, very open fruit. Complete and fatter than most. Horst Sauer, Escherndorfer Lump Riesling Spätlese trocken 2008 Franken 17 Drink 2009-13 Zesty citrus nose. Racy and mineral and very finely etched with a good undertow of ripe fruit. Sleek and polished with real focus. Satisfying. Horst Sauer, Escherndorfer Lump Riesling Beerenauslese 2008 Franken 17.5+ Drink 2012-22 Very focussed and rich and syrupy. Masses of acidity. Still very youthful compared with the Nahe Eisweins. Almost painful to taste now in fact. Lime syrup. But wonderfully clean and bracing on the finish. Horst Sauer, Escherndorfer Lump Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese 2008 Franken 18 Drink 2016-30 Pretty smart and dramatic and finely etched. Still very simple but clean and presumably this will eventually do the business – even if at the moment it is pretty painful to taste.
1001 Wines you must try before you die
2003 Escherndorfer Lump Silvaner Trockenbeerenauslese written by Neil Beckett and Hugh Johnson Escherndorfer Lump is a parabola-shaped bluff facing south on the banks of the River Main. It has always been famous,not only for its individual microclimate but also for its difficulty of cultivation. In Germany this vineyard is considered on of the best sites for concentrated, juicy, and distinctively dry Sylvaner, but Horst Sauer has proved with remarkable regularity that world-class sweet wines can also be grown here. Almost no ohter winemaker is able to extract such overhelming Trockenbeerenauslese from Sylvaner. In 2003, the conditions here were perfect. On November 3, Sauer was able to harvest a highly elegant Trockenbeerenauslese, which may well be the very best wine from Franken in this great year. The wine´s overwhelmingly exotic aromas of pineapple, mango, honey, and apricot are on the palat wrapped in a silky dress of delicate sweetness, and supported by a tightly woven acidity. The wine was sold at the winery for approximately 70 Pound per half-liter bottle. By comparison with prices for Riesling of similar quality and style from the Rhine an the Mosel, it represents spectacular value.
Gault Millau-the Guide to German Wines
Armin Diel, Joel Payne four Grapes Excellent producers counted as among the best in Germany We do not want to get involved in discussions as to whether the Escherndorfer Lump is the best vineyard site in Franken, but we do agree that the best white wines in Bavaria have been grown here in recent years, and most probably the best Silvaner wines in the world! This is thanks exclusively the efforts of the diffident Horst Sauer, in spite of the fact that he is no extreme proponent of low yields in the vineyard. But then a lot here also depends on how the vines are tended. “The secret is not to copy others, but to use your experience and your ability to combine the familiar with new scientific findings, and then to find your own way,” that is how this shy winemaker describes his work. One of the important elements in the new cellar is that the grapes, must and wine are moved over a four-storey system by means of gravity feed. The absence of pumps means even greater care in handling the raw material.
White Wine Maker of the year 2004
Trying the grape in the vineyard then finding that same taste in the wine, "I love it - I`m so delighted to have succeeded", says Horts Sauer, one of Geramy`s best-known winemakers. At this year`s Challange he won a swag of three trophies, to follow an impressive haul of IWC awards in recent years. Yet he remains remarkably modest, though passionate and positive. "I thought I`d make the perfect wine when I was young", he says. "Now I see I`ll never do it. One learns every yoear from wine and from life. Yet I`ve a real longing for the perfect wine." Sauer joined the tiny family buisness in Franken aged 22, after studiyng wine locally. In 1977, the family wine estate in picturesque Escherndorf was no more than 3 ha. While his father had always sent the produce to the local co-op, Sauer immediately began making wine for himeself. As demand grew, he bought and leased more vineyards. He now works 12ha. Chief among his vineyards is the unfortunately named Escherndorfer Lump, source of all his winning wines in this year`s Challenge. The Lump is a seriously steep, bowl-shaped vineyard, cupped towards the south, which traps the sun and protects the vines from the cold east and north winds. The unique microclimate and seashell limestone terrain give longlived wines with bright, crisp, concentrated fruit. Sauer is especially passionate about the Silvaners from his 45-year-old vines on the Lump, though it was the Riesling that were this year`s Challenge winners. "In Franken, Silvaner achieves peaks of excitement and quality that are matched nowhere else in the world", he says. Just over a third of vines are Silvaner, followed by Müller-Thurgau. But a growing 15% are Riesling. His vineyards are not organic, but "environementally friendly, in sympathy with nature". He adds:"Quality is the most important thing. We do everything with quality in mind." Everything is meticulously hand-tended and hand-harvested. Sauer gets noble rot most years. The River Main runs so close around the base of the Lump that there`s alwasy moisture in the air. (Franken is noted mainly for its dry wines - not a lot of sweet wine is made, and very little in the village of Escherndorf.) Every year sice 1995, Horst has made both Silvaners and Rieslings of Auslese, Beerenauslese, Trockenbeerenauslese and Eiswein quality. Sweet wines now account 10% of his production. Most of the rest of his wine is dry, some half-dry (halbtrocken). The wines are all fermented in stainless steel, with no wood in sight. "We use a combination of tradition, craftsmanship and modern science", explains Sauer. "We follow our own path. I do so much from feeling. I let my heart decide. I`m not very firmly fixed in the whole technological thing. The less I do, the more beautiful the wines ssem to be. We have a very modern buisness here. But wine needs patience and time." His wife Magdalena, has long worked his side. Their older daughter, Marion, is already working on commercial side of the company. Sandra, their younger daughter, recently graduated in oenology in Geisenheim, and is now doing a six-month stint in Australia, following on from South Africa an New Zealand. Then she`ll be back to join the family team. Sauer is less well travelled. "But I`ve tasted many wines from elsewhere in the world. It`s so important that we should make great wines here in Franken, so that we can show the world that we`re up there at the top of the market with all those great wines.